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Welcome! Over the years, and for generation after generation, a great number of home remedies for many illnesses have managed to stay alive. They have been passed down from elders to youngsters in each country throughout the world. Many of them are strikingly similar although they may have originated on separate continents among completely alien peoples. In the nomadical tribe we wil give you home remedies for different diseases. All the best!
Most men have experienced the problem of premature ejaculation at some time in their life. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems. Premature ejaculation is explained as a condition wherein a person is unable to delay his ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both the partners. That means ejaculation occurs before the man wants it to happen. Some men ejaculate during foreplay while some do so sex.
Strengthening your pelvic muscles is one of the best ways to prevent the problem of premature ejaculation. The pelvic muscles, which support and help control the penis, can short circuit premature ejaculation when they are actively engaged immediately before ejaculation is allowed to occur.
For most men these muscles are weak and get weaker with age, increasing the likelihood of premature ejaculation. A recent study found pelvic muscle exercise to be effective.
This technique requires you to slow the pace of pelvic thrusting and varying the angle and depth of penetration before the “point of no return.” When done in conjunction with engaging your pelvic muscles this approach becomes very effective.
If slowing the tempo is not sufficient to prevent the PE, one may need to stop thrusting completely while maintaining penetration for the ejaculatory “urgency” to go away. Once the sensation to ejaculate subsides, pelvic thrusting may be resumed. Again, engaging the pelvic muscles once you’ve stopped thrusting helps to greatly reduce the sensation.
Originated by Masters and Johnson, as ejaculation approaches, the penis is withdrawn and the head of the penis is squeezed until the feeling of ejaculation passes, after which intercourse is resumed. Although effective, it requires sexual interruption, is cumbersome, and demands a very cooperative partner.
There are several selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications, known as SSRIs, that doctors can prescribe for severe cases of premature ejaculation. Numerous studies have also shown that supplements containing some of the following: L-citrulline, Panax ginseng, Dong Quai, and hypericum perforatum, commonly called "St. John’s Wort," can be effective in helping to prevent premature ejaculation. You can find our highest-rated supplements for PE on our sexual health supplements collection page.
Since premature ejaculation can have psychological origins, talking to a sexual therapist can be an excellent approach. Remember guys, there is nothing wrong with talking about our sexual health - in fact, we should do more of it!
Check out the most advanced methods techniques based on anatomy and sexology and inspired by the ancient wisdom of Tao and Tantra HERE.
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